Here in this page we provided Important Report Writing and Solution by Expert Teacher. Report Writing is very important for Class 6 – 12 class students. So here we have given lots of current topics Report Writing, so that you can understand the format.

Rules for Report Writing:

  • Number 1: It should be accurate as well clear.
  • Number 2: Must have a Proper heading on the basis of question.
  • Number 3: When you write a report, you have to think that you are a Reporter, so that proper answer will come.
  • Number 4: Report is usually written in the past tense, but on the basis of situation sometime present or future tense can be used.

Tips to Write Report Writing:

Hello students you can easily write Report Writing with maintain all rules and regulation. Most of cases you find this topic uncommon at examination hall. As from our tips –

1) Daily read one time English Newspaper.

2) You can also read English Newspaper portal. Daily Current Affairs. By reading and reading you can understand proper grammatical rules.  Hopes it helpful!

Important Question with Solution:

  1. Write a report on , “Statue of Unity “inauguration ceremony .
  2. Write a report on , protest of CAA.
  3. Write a report on ,Kerala plane crash .
  4. Write a report on , India’s surgical strike on Pakistan.
  5. Write a report on , India’s digital strike on China .
  6. Newspaper article on impact of science and technology
  7. Write a report on , Vizag Gas Tragedy .
  8. Write a report on , mob lynching .
  9. Write a report on , awareness of social distancing.
  10. Write a report on , Atmanirbhar Bharat.
  11. Write a report on , impact of lockdown on the Indian economy .
  12. Write a report on , impact of lockdown on migrant workers or labour’s of India .
  13. Write a report on , impact of lockdown environment .
  14. Write a report on , impact of lockdown essential services .
  15. Write a report on , impact of lockdownexport in India .
  16. Write a report on , impact of lockdown import in India .
  17. Write a report on , impact of lockdown Cyclone Amphan.
  18. Write a report on , impact of lockdownFilm industry in India .
  19. Write a report on , impact of lockdownmegha sport events.
  20. Write a report on , global recession and impact on the Indian Economy.
  21. Write a report on , World Environment Day .
  22. Write a report on , 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale .
  23. Write a report on , International Yoga Day
  24. Write a report on , Bharat Swacch Abhiyaan .
  25. Write a report on a campaign on say no to polythene bags .
  26. Write a report on a compaign on say no to drugs .
  27. Write a report on ,awareness on covid-19 .
  28. Write a report on awareness of cyber crime .
  29. Write a report on , cellibrations of the Independence day in your school .
  30. Write a report on , tree plantation held in your school .
  31. Write a report on the exhibition you have visited .
  32. Write a report on the hills station you have visited.
  33. Write a report on the cricket match you have seen .
  34. Writea report on the Covid-19 Test Camp.
  35. Write a report on the compaign against child labour.
  36. Write a report on the role of social media in our life.
  37. Write a report on the awareness of the Dengue.
  38. Write a report on the devasting flood in Assam.
  39. Write a report on the school education during Covid-19 lockdown .
  40. Write a report on rises the price of the essential commodities.
  41. Write a report on the Covid-19 test camp.
  42. Write a report on the saluting the frontline worriers of the coronavirus.
  43. Writea report on the coronavirus pandamic claimed.
  44. Write a report on the Farmer bill ,2020.
  45. Write a report on the Handicraft Exhibition held in Kolkata.
  46. Write a report on the cultural programme arranged by a club.
  47. Write a report on the effects of pollutions in our life
  48. Write a report on the tribute to the warriors of the coronavirus
  49. Write a report on the International Mother Language Day .
  50. Write a report on the compaign against Dowry System.
  51. Write a report on the awareness of social distancing.
  52. Write a report on the national parks that you have visited.
  53. Write a report on the road accident you have seen.
  54. Write a report on the cricket match you have seen.
  55. Write a report on the picnic you enjoyed .
  56. Write a report on the cricket match you have played.
  57. Write a report on the monument you have visited .
  58. Write a report on the traveling that you have enjoyed .
  59. Write a report on the cultural programme held in your school.
  60. Write a report on the singing compition held in your college.
  61. Write a report on the awareness of cashless transactions.
  62. Write a report on the Taj Mahal.
  63. Write a report on the plantation .
  64. Write a report on the campaign of save water .
  65. Write a report on the fort you have visited.
  66. Write a report on the NGO that you have visited.
  67. Write a report on the summer camp.
  68. Write a report on the historical places which you have visited .
  69. Write a report on the museum that you  have visited .
  70. Write a on the impact of the lockdownon employment.